pukau katakau
dah lalu di sembilu mantera
puaka kata tersisa
di ceruk tanpa makna
samudera jiwa diam menggeram
gelombang bimbang
mendesah basah
daun pasti tak selebar karunia
tak kuasa sesiapa
kujemba kata
hanya nganga luka
masih kutangkap makna
seperti puaka kata
terpendam lama di liang raga
kuraba jiwa ke mana-mana
tak pernah berarah
kucari jua di kitab lama
di kitab sejarah
luka terdedah
puaka kata kitaku
aku luluh
kala tahajud merengkuh tuju
membawa lari ketepi sepi
sungguh aku kelu
memburu langkah kaku
di sungkup diamku
kujemput takjub
di liang pikir para filsuf
mendedah cerita tak sudah-sudah
aku terkesima jua
begitu lama
di ujung tahajud
tak pernah reda
hingga alif bata
meski terbata
pekanbaru-jakarta, 18 Januari 2024
The Word Demon of You and Me, to sutardji calzoum bachri: Poetry of Fakhrunnas MA Jabbar
riveting your say
has passed at peel the bamboo skin of mantera
demon of word left
in a niche without meaning
the ocean of the soul silently growls
waves of indecision
wet sigh
the leaves are definitely not as wide as the gift
no one’s power
i measured the word
only gaping wounds
I still catch the meaning
word by word
like the demon word
long buried in the pit of the body
I feel my soul everywhere
never directed
I searched for it in the old book
in the book of history
the wound is exposed
our demon word
I melted
when tahajud embraced the goal
bring run to the edge of be silent
really I’m exhausted
chasing a stiff step
in my silent hood
I picked up amazement
in the minds of philosophers
dissecting the story is not already
I was amazed too
so long
at the end of tahajud
never subsided
until alif bata
although stammering
pekanbaru-jakarta, January 18, 2024